Ports and Adapters (Hexagonal) Architecture in C#

Introduced by Alistair Cockburn in 2005, the Ports and Adapters architecture, also known as the Hexagonal Architectural Pattern, remains relevant today. This approach emphasizes loose coupling between application components, making them easier to test and maintain. By separating the core logic from external systems, it allows applications to interact with various sources (users, programs, tests) independently. Changes in external systems impact only the adapters, leaving the core logic untouched.

Guidelines for CSS Development

This is an opiniated guide line for front-end development. It is based on more than 10 years of experience developing front-end applications and more than 25 years of developing software. My experience is based on developing enterprise applications, so this guide therefor focused on enterprise applications development. Use BEM naming conventions Follow BEM naming conventions. … Read more

Guidelines for better software development

Guidelines for creating quality business software. The guidelines in this article are focused on creating high quality business applications, but they probably apply to any kind of software development. What is good software? The first question to make, when talking about better software development, is “what is good software”? What do we want to achieve? … Read more

How to install Angular material and Angular Flex-box for Angular 6

This guide will lead you step by step to install Angular Material and Angular Flex-box with Angular 6. Angular Material Material Design components for Angular Introduction What is Material Design? Material Design is Googles UI design philosophy. It is inspired by the world of paper and ink with a three-dimensional space.  It gives its interfaces … Read more

Angular CLI cheatsheet – an overview of the most used commands

Updated June 6, 2018 In this post I give an overview of the most uses Angular CLI command. Using the CLI commands can greatly boost your productivity on Angular projects. Create a new app Create a new angular application with the default styling option CSS. ng new app-name Create new angular project with scss styling … Read more

Angular is here!

The Angular team released Angular See this blogpost for all detail. Although this is seems a large update, in fact there are only some minor breaking changes. Angular made a update guide available here, so you can see exactly what you need to update in your excisting projects. Improved and new in this version … Read more

How to add Bootstrap 4 and ng-bootstrap to your Angular CLI project

Updated June 21, 2018 This article helps you step by step to install Bootstrap 4 and ng-bootstrap to your Angular CLI project. This article has been updated for Angular 6. In my previous post I described how to add bootstrap 4 to your Angular CLI project with jQuery. Using jQuery with Angular is not recommended, … Read more

How to add Bootstrap 4 to your Angular CLI project (jQuery)

Updated June 21, 2018 Attention using jQuery in Angular is not recommended and I advise you to use ng-bootstrap as described here. This article helps you step by step to install Bootstrap 4 and jQuery to your Angular CLI project. This article has been updated for Angular 6. First you need to decide if you … Read more